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10 Inventions That Changed the World

Without inventions, the world would simply not be moving forward. Inventions allow us to fortify the new things we discover to be true about our world and our lives. Of course, not all inventions are the same. Some are more impactful than others. Below, we take a closer look at those larger inventions that have simply revolutionised the world.

01. The Internet (1960s–1970s):

The development of the internet in the 1960s and 1970s created a global network connecting people and information. The internet revolutionized communication, commerce, and collaboration, democratizing access to knowledge and transforming virtually every aspect of modern life.

02. The Computer (20th Century):

The evolution of computing technology in the 20th century, from the ENIAC to personal computers, revolutionized information processing and communication. Computers transformed business, science, education, and entertainment, catalyzing the digital revolution and shaping the modern world.

03. The Penicillin (1928):

Alexander Fleming’s discovery of penicillin in 1928 revolutionized medicine by introducing the first antibiotic. Penicillin’s ability to treat bacterial infections saved countless lives, transformed medical practices, and heralded the age of antibiotics, extending human longevity and improving healthcare outcomes.

04. The Radio (1985):

Guglielmo Marconi’s invention of the radio in 1895 facilitated mass communication by transmitting and receiving radio waves. The radio revolutionized broadcasting, entertainment, and news dissemination, connecting people across continents and shaping global culture.

05. The Automobile (1885):

Karl Benz’s invention of the automobile in 1885 revolutionized personal transportation. The automobile offered unprecedented mobility, transforming travel, commerce, and urban planning, and reshaping society and culture in the 20th century.

06. The Light Bulb (1879):

Thomas Edison’s invention of the practical electric light bulb in 1879 illuminated the darkness and transformed daily life. The light bulb replaced candles and gas lamps, providing a reliable and efficient source of light, extending productive hours, and contributing to societal progress.

07. The Telephone (1876):

Alexander Graham Bell’s invention of the telephone in 1876 revolutionized communication by transmitting voice over electrical lines. The telephone transformed interpersonal communication, making real-time conversations possible over long distances and laying the foundation for the modern telecommunications industry.

08. The Telegraph (1837):

Samuel Morse’s invention of the telegraph in 1837 enabled rapid long-distance communication through Morse code. The telegraph revolutionized communication, allowing messages to be transmitted almost instantaneously across vast distances, bridging gaps and connecting people in ways previously unimaginable.

09. The Steam Engine (1712):

The development of the steam engine by Thomas Newcomen and later improvements by James Watt in the early 18th century powered the Industrial Revolution. The steam engine transformed transportation, powering locomotives and steamships, and drove machinery in factories, leading to unprecedented economic growth and urbanization.

10. The Printing Press (1440):

Johannes Gutenberg’s invention of the printing press in 1440 revolutionized the spread of information and knowledge. Before the printing press, books were painstakingly handwritten, limiting their availability and accessibility. With the advent of movable type printing, books became more affordable and widely distributed, paving the way for the dissemination of ideas, education, and literacy across Europe and eventually the world.
